Gluten sensitivity or intolerance is a condition that causes a person to react after ingesting gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. Symptoms vary widely and can include gastrointestinal problems, join pain, fatigue and depression. – WebMD It is quite common for people to experience digestive and health problems from eating wheat or gluten. Found primarily in wheat, barley and rye, gluten intolerance can result in a number of different symptoms. Wheat is a type of grain that is commonly found in breads, cereals and pasta. Less-common sources include condiments, such as salad dressings and soups. Barley is another abundant variety of grain, which is often used for brewing and stock feed products. Rye is the last type of grain that uses gluten as an ingredient. Rye is most often found in cereals, beer and breads. Consuming these types of foods and beverages is often how one discovers their intolerance to gluten. Do you or someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss, health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. Individuals that are sensitive to gluten often find that their symptoms reside after the product is eliminated from their diet. With that said, certain symptoms exist that may individual an intolerance to gluten. HERE ARE 8 SIGNS OF GLUTEN INTOLERANCE: 1. BRAIN FOG One of the more surprising symptoms of gluten intolerance, brain fog, can also be subtle in nature. Brain fog can be one of the more enigmatic symptoms, simply due to the fact that a number of things can cause it. However, it is a commonly-cited symptom of people suffering from gluten intolerance. Do you or someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss, health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. 2. UNEXPECTED WEIGHT GAIN The sudden, unexplainable adding of pounds is perplexing to many gluten-intolerant people. Generally, weight gain from gluten intolerance results from two things: (1) malabsorption and gut permeability – two side-effects of gluten intolerance, and (2) systemic inflammation, which is triggered by gluten. Gluten-intolerant individuals that eliminate gluten from their diet are often able to revert back to a healthy weight level. 3. ABNORMAL IMMUNE FUNCTION Found primarily in the gastrointestinal tract and saliva, IgA antibodies are the body’s primary defense against colds, flus and other illnesses.When one is sensitive or intolerant to gluten, have a counteracting effect on the immune system. Obviously, when these same antibodies counteract our immune system, we’re much more likely to contract such illnesses. 4. DENTAL PROBLEMS In a study published in BMS Gastroenterology, a link was discovered between gluten sensitivity and “aphthous stomatitis” – a condition often associated with recurrent mouth ulcers and canker sores. Furthermore, due to malabsorption, gluten sensitive individuals frequently have very low levels of calcium – a very important substance for healthy teeth. Do you or someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss, health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. 5. HEADACHES AND/OR MIGRAINES Migraines are often excruciatingly-painful headaches that can even be debilitative. Strangely, migraines are far more common in gluten-intolerant people that in the general population. 6. SKIN PROBLEMS The malabsorption properties of gluten intolerance affects a number of different areas of the body, including our largest organ. Gluten has been linked to acne, psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis herpetiformis (DH). Skin symptoms deriving from gluten intolerance often includes burning, redness, rashes, itchiness and even blistering. DH is a particularly damaging condition, defined by the Gluten Intolerance Group as: “a chronic disease of the skin marked by groups of watery, itchy blisters that may resemble pimples or blisters. 7. JOINT AND MUSCLE ACHES The inflammatory effects spurred on by gluten intolerance is the underlying reason for joint and muscle pain. According to WebMD: “Joint pain and inflammation are common symptoms of gluten sensitivity. The Arthritis Foundation has also published findings that link arthritis and joint pain with gluten sensitivity. 8. FATIGUE AND EXHAUSTION This sign is similar to brain fog in that the exact mechanisms are a mystery. Little scientific research has been conducted examining the purported correlation between fatigue/exhaustion and gluten intolerance. However, medical professionals believe that gluten intolerance parallels fatigue through inflammation and the de-allocation of the body’s energy reserves. Do you or someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss, health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. If you think you may be experiencing some one or more of the issues above, it's easy enough to try giving up gluten for a few weeks to take note of how you feel. While it seems like giving up bread, pasta, and rice is a real game changer, it's not! When you eat it, your body craves it, making it seem like a bad dream if you have to give it up. Thankfully, there are many gluten free pastas and breads to help you with the transition, whether temporary or permanent.
Total Life Changes HSN Hair Skin Nails Are you looking for a supplement to help grow your hair and nails but that also does great things for your skin?? Total Life Changes HSN Hair Skin Nails is a daily supplement that provides six essential vitamins and important minerals In addition to these essential nutrients, the HSN Supplement contains branched-chain amino acids (BCAA). These amino acids help trigger protein synthesis. In combination, the increased protein synthesis and the key nutrients in Total Life Changes HSN Supplement provides the foundation for healthier, more vibrant hair, nails, and skin. To see more facts: Why Iaso® HSN is popular Hair, skin, and nails are noticed by everyone. HSN’s ingredients help to ensure the optimal nutrition that reflects in healthier-looking hair, supple skin, and strong nails. Important ingredients Vitamin A (Retinoid) Vitamin A helps the body to reduce wrinkles, fade brown spots, and smooth skin roughness. There are more than 700 published studies that indicate the effective impact of retinoids upon the human body. Vitamin C Experts in nutrition indicate vitamin C is one of the safest and most effective nutrients. The benefits of vitamin C include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular diseases, and skin wrinkling. Vitamin D Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus from food. Many Americans have low levels of vitamin D within their systems. The reasons for this deficiency can include a low availability of vitamin D in food sources, increased time working indoors, and the use of sunscreens Vitamin E Vitamin E is vital to maintaining a strong immune system and healthy skin. This vitamin contributes to the strength of hair and nails and has been extensively studied as a treatment to reduce the appearance of scars. Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) Vitamin B1 is crucial to the growth, development, and function of cells. Thiamin is processed quickly, and the body requires a continuous supply of this vitamin from food intake or supplements. Vitamin B7 (Biotin) Biotin helps the body convert food into energy. Vitamin B7 also helps to keep hair, eyes, skin, and the liver healthy in appearance and function. Disclaimer This supplement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent diseases. To learn more about HSN (Hair, Skin & Nails) from Total Life Changes, or to order this product ($49.95), please click the button below. Total Life Change backs their products with a 30 day money back guarantee! Happy Shopping!
What's a zoodle? It is the latest and greatest way to enjoy some of your favorite carb rich pasta (or other) dishes without the carbs! A zoodle is a zucchini noodle. How do you make a zoodle? I would suggest investing in a spiralizer. You can find generally find these for $20 or so online or at a local store. Is trimming your waist line worth $20? I think so! There is a bit more time prep that goes into making a zoodle recipes, simply because you need to spiralize the zucchini, but your body and waistline will thank you. Below are 5 great recipes that you can bust out the spiralizer for and enjoy to your hearts desire!!! Do you or someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. Do you or someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. Do you or someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. Do you or someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. Do you or someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. How many of us are trying to eat better this year? Sometimes this time of year can be the hardest, but if we can master it now, the rest of the year will be a breeze and we will be beach body ready in no time! While many people are slaving away at the gym looking for magical results, the sad truth is that weight loss is 80% dependent on what goes in your mouth. That's right, 80%! But, I am an avid fan of working out and I do so regularly. Working out stimulates your muscles, keeps your heart beating, reduces stress, and just has too many benefits to not do it. Do you or someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. Have you heard of Whole 30? A friend of mine recently started this and it got me curious. I researched it and I love the concept! It if NOT a diet, it a way to teach yourself how to eat better. You basically eliminate food known to cause many health and body issues for 30 days, assess the results, and decide what you feel like you need put back into your life on a moderate basis. This is definitely something I can get behind, live and support! Foods Allowed with Whole 30 This is always the kicker, right? When it comes to changing the way we eat, the first thing we want to know other than "how long" is what we are allowed to eat. The 3 biggest contributors to overall health and body issues are: Sugar, Dairy, and Grain. Sugar is a no brainer, but the latter 2 probably raise some eyebrows. Simply put, as our bodies age, our ability to properly intake and digest dairy and grain falters. The result can be anything from bloating, constipation, to acne and joint pain. With Whole 30, you get to enjoy REAL food until you are satisfied.
Get the full Whole 30 list here Do you or someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. Foods Not Allowed with Whole 30
This way of eating is really the perfect blend! If you are a carb craver, you an still eat potatoes. If you have a sweet tooth, you can still enjoy fruit, even dried fruit (read the labels). I am so excited to try this, want to join me?
Learn more about Whole 30 by clicking here. I think it is safe to say that even the busiest person can find 8 minutes to spare in a day. What it really comes down to is do I want to make time for this or that. If you want to make time to workout, but your not in to taking a ton of time to do it, we have found a goodie for you! This workout is a total of 8 minutes at it's bare minimum. You perform each exercise for 50 seconds and rest 10 seconds - so make sure you have your times set and ready to go. In 50 seconds, the goal is to do as many reps as possible of the exercise. One round of this will be challenging, but if you have the time, passion and energy, why not go for seconds??? 1. Bridge with March - Alternating one leg and then the other2. Inverted Shoulder Press - Push ups with your butt as high as possible - elevate feet on stairs or chair for advanced levels3. Alternating Switch Lunge - Regular lunge onto right leg, return to upright, and then immediately into a back lunge on the left leg (dropping the right leg back behind you). Repeat with the other leg. (Progress to alternating jump lunges if able)4. Rotating T EXTENSION - Alternating sides back and forth for the duration of the 50 secondsDo you or someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss, health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. 5. Skater Lunges6. Push Ups - Try to do them on your feet, but modifiy if needed7. Air Squats - sit as deep as possible8. Spiderman Plank - Alternating right knee to right elbow then left knee to left elbow in the plank positionIf you are like me, your overall mood is very senstive to the weather. I get the greatest joy from a long sunny summer day and warm weather in general. Clouds, rain, cold and short days make me irritable and restless. But, I had always generalized this to me being a Summer Baby. It turns out, if you are not yet aware, the Winter Blues is a real deal problem and has a "proper" name: Seasonal Affective Disorder. I have seen statistics that state more suicides, divorces, and break ups happen in the winter time. Conencidence? Don't think so. I highly doubt that Thanksgiving feasts, Family time, and Holiday Shopping are driving people that far over the edge - but I am sure some of you would beg to differ! Now that we know the Winter Blues is something that affects many people, let me ask, does this affect you? If so, here 8 easy things you can do to help you get through another long Winter....... (until you can move to paradise!) 1. Make your environment brighter. When your body is craving more daylight, sitting next to an artificial light—also called a light box—for 30 minutes per day can be as effective as antidepressant medication. Opening blinds and curtains, trimming back tree branches, and sitting closer to windows can also help provide an extra dose of sunshine. 2. Eat smarter. Certain foods, like chocolate, can help to enhance your mood and relieve anxiety. Other foods, like candy and carbohydrates provide temporary feelings of euphoria, but could ultimately increase feelings of anxiety and depression. 3. Simulate dawn. People with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression that usually begins in late fall or early winter and fades as the weather improves, may feel depressed, irritable, lethargic, and have trouble waking up in the morning—especially when it’s still dark out. Studies show that a dawn simulator, a device that causes the lights in your bedroom to gradually brighten over a set period of time, can serve as an antidepressant and make it easier to get out of bed. 4. Exercise. A 2005 study from Harvard University suggests walking fast for about 35 minutes a day five times a week or 60 minutes a day three times a week improved symptoms of mild to moderate depression. Exercising under bright lights may be even better for seasonal depression: A preliminary study found that exercise under bright light improved general mental health, social functioning, depressive symptoms, and vitality, while exercise in ordinary light improved vitality only. Try these mood boosting workouts. 5. Turn on the tunes. In a 2013 study, researchers showed that listening to upbeat or cheery music significantly improved participant’s mood in both the short and long term. 6. Plan a vacation. Longing for sunnier days at the beach? Research shows that the simple act of planning a vacation causes a significant increase in overall happiness. 7. Help others. Ladling out soup at the local shelter or volunteering your time can improve mental health and life satisfaction. 8. Get outside. Talking yourself into taking a walk when the temperatures plummet isn’t easy, but the benefits are big: Spending time outside (even when it's chilly!) can improve focus, reduce symptoms of SAD, and lower stress levels. Halloween is the highlight of the year for many kids and adults - FREE CANDY! But it can also be a frustrating time for parents who want themselves and kids to eat healthy foods and make sweets a limited part of a balanced and nutritious diet. On the one hand, you want to let kids indulge and enjoy but on the other, you don't want to undermine all the work you do the rest of the year maintaining a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Check out some advice that KidsHealth got from other parents facing this same problem. Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss, health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. KidsHealth asked parents to share how they handle Halloween. Most mom and dads — 82% — set limits using a variety of strategies to keep kids from going overboard on the Halloween treats. Many parents said that after letting kids indulge in some treats right after trick-or-treating, they limit their kids to a certain number of pieces each day or put the candy stash out of reach and out of sight. Then kids have to ask for it — that is, if they remember that it's there! One parent tried to limit the amount of sweets while also making sure that it was served up alongside something healthy. "They are allowed to select three items per day from the bag stored in the refrigerator, and they must have a glass of milk or water for each treat. After a week, they usually lose interest in the candy — maybe just coming from the fridge it doesn't taste as good or is harder to chew with the item being cold. Or by the time it comes to room temperature, they've gotten full!" Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss, health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. Of parents who try to limit treats, most said that they successfully kept their kids from overindulging. Those who said that their efforts failed cited a variety of reasons — from kids finding parents' secret hiding places to kids creating secret hiding places of their own. Other parents said that a big obstacle was having different caregivers for kids, from grandparents to babysitters, with different rules for the candy. Just 15% of parents said that they offered trick-or-treaters healthy non-candy alternatives, ranging from bags of pretzels to small toys like yo-yos and temporary tattoos. About 37% said that they offered toys and candy. Nearly half of all parents just gave out candy. Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss, health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. Tips From Other Parents Parents had a number of good tips to share about candy-limiting schemes that had worked in their houses, ranging from using the candy for craft projects to trades with their kids' dentists for small toys. Here are some other tips from moms and dads: "Feed them before they go out to discourage snacking while out." "Tell them about the Halloween Pumpkin that will come by and leave a toy in place of the bag of candy." "Toss out the most brightly colored candy!" "Let kids know ahead of time the limits and reasons for those limits." "Remind the kids that if they don't eat it all now, they'll have more for later. Encourage sharing the candy with friends. Not only does it thin out the candy supply, it enforces sharing." Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss, health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. More Tips and Tactics
Be a role model by eating Halloween candy in moderation yourself. To help avoid temptation, buy your candy at the last minute and get rid of any leftovers. Encourage your kids to be mindful of the amount of candy and snacks eaten, and to stop before they feel full or sick. Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss, health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. Heart disease is the biggest killer worldwide. Having high cholesterol (especially LDL particles) is linked to an increased risk of heart disease. Having low HDL (the “good”) cholesterol and high triglycerides is also linked to increased risk. Fortunately, what you eat can have a powerful effect on your cholesterol and other risk factors. Here are 13 foods that can lower cholesterol and improve other risk factors for heart disease. 1. Legumes Legumes, also known as pulses, are a group of plant foods that includes beans, peas and lentils. Legumes contain lots of fiber, minerals and good amounts of protein. Replacing some refined grains and processed meats in your diet with legumes can lower your risk of heart disease. 2. Avocados Avocados are an exceptionally nutrient-dense fruit. They’re a rich source of monounsaturated fats and fiber — two nutrients that help lower LDL and raise healthy HDL cholesterol. Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss, health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. 3. Nuts, Especially Almonds and Walnuts Nuts are another exceptionally nutrient-dense food. They’re very high in monounsaturated fats. Walnuts are also rich in the plant variety of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat that’s linked to heart health. Nuts also contain protein. They’re particularly rich in L-arginine, an amino acid that helps make nitric oxide. This, in turn, helps regulate blood pressure. Nuts contain phytosterols too. These plant compounds are structurally similar to cholesterol and help lower cholesterol by blocking its absorption in the intestines. Calcium, magnesium and potassium are also found in nuts. These minerals are linked to reduced blood pressure and lower risk of heart disease. 4. Fatty Fish Fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel and trout, are excellent sources of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are linked to improved heart health via increasing HDL cholesterol and lowering inflammation and stroke risk. Note that the healthiest ways to eat fish are baked, broiled, grilled or raw. Fried fish may actually increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss, health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. 5. Whole Grains, Especially Oats and Barley Whole grains have all parts of the grain intact, which provides them with more vitamins, minerals, plant compounds and fiber than refined grains. While all whole grains may promote heart health, two grains are particularly worth noting:
6. Fruits and Berries Fruit is an excellent addition to a heart-healthy diet for several reasons. Many types of fruit are rich in soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol levels. It does this by encouraging the body to get rid of cholesterol and inhibiting the formation of cholesterol by the liver. One kind of soluble fiber called pectin has been shown to lower cholesterol by up to 10%. It’s found in fruits including apples, grapes, citrus fruits and strawberries. Fruit also contains bioactive compounds that help prevent heart disease and other chronic diseases due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Eating berries and grapes, which are particularly rich sources of these plant compounds, can help increase HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol. Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss, health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. 7. Dark Chocolate and Cocoa Cocoa is the main ingredient in dark chocolate. It may seem too good to be true, but research does back up the claims that dark chocolate and cocoa can lower LDL cholesterol. One study found promising results after it had healthy adults drink a cocoa beverage twice a day for a month. The cocoa drinkers saw a reduction in LDL cholesterol of 0.17 mmol/l (equivalent to 6.5 mg/dl). Their blood pressure also decreased and HDL cholesterol increased. Cocoa and dark chocolate also seem to be able to protect the LDL cholesterol in your blood from oxidation, which is a key step in the pathway towards heart disease. However, keep in mind that chocolate is often high in added sugar, which negatively affects heart health. Therefore, you should use cocoa directly or choose dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 75–85% or higher. 8. Vegetables Vegetables are an important part of a heart-healthy diet. They’re rich in fiber and antioxidants and low in calories, which is helpful for maintaining a healthy weight. Some vegetables are particularly high in pectin, the same cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber found in apples and oranges. Pectin-rich vegetables also include okra, eggplants, carrots and potatoes. Vegetables also deliver a range of plant compounds. These plant compounds are linked to health benefits including protection against heart disease. Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss, health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. 9. Tea Tea contains many plant compounds that are linked to improved heart health. While green tea gets a lot of attention, black tea and white tea have similar properties and health effects. These are two of the primary compounds in tea that deliver benefits:
10. Dark Leafy Greens While all vegetables are good for your heart, dark leafy greens are particularly helpful. Dark leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, contain lutein and other carotenoids, which are linked to a lower risk of heart disease. Carotenoids act as antioxidants to get rid of harmful free radicals that can lead to atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of the arteries. Dark leafy greens may also help lower cholesterol levels by binding to bile acids and making the body excrete more cholesterol. Take Home Message High cholesterol levels are a major risk factor for heart disease. Thankfully, you can lower this risk by including certain foods in your diet. The 10 foods in this article all have research-based benefits that will help you keep your cholesterol low and your heart healthy. Take it a step further and add some exercise into your daily lifestyle. This can be as simple as walking for an hour or as intense as a boot camp class. You have to choose what is right for you. Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss, health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. While most of us are trying to lose weight, there are some people trying to gain weight and have a hard time doing it. However, simply adding certain foods to your diet can be a very effective way to gain weight. Here are 10 great foods to help you gain weight or add muscle, the healthy way. 1. Homemade Protein Smoothies Drinking homemade protein smoothies can be a highly nutritious and quick way to gain weight. Here are just a few tasty variations you can try. You can combine each with 2 cups (470 ml) of milk or an alternative like almond milk.
Do you or does someone you care about need to gain or lose weight?Bodynista offers a fantastic line of health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. 2. Milk Milk has been used as a weight gainer and muscle builder for decades. It provides a good balance of proteins, carbs and fats. It’s also a good source of calcium, as well as other vitamins and minerals. For those trying to add more muscle, milk is an excellent protein source that provides both casein and whey proteins. Research has even shown it can help you add muscle when combined with weight lifting. Additionally, studies have shown that milk, or whey and casein combined, can lead to greater mass gain than other protein sources. Try drinking around one or two glasses as a snack, with a meal, or before and after a workout if you are training. 3. Rice Rice is a convenient, low-cost carb source to help you gain weight. Just 1 cup (165 grams) of cooked rice provides 190 calories, 43 grams of carbs and very little fat. It is also fairly calorie-dense, meaning you can easily obtain a high amount of carbs and calories from a single serving. This helps you eat more food, especially if you have a poor appetite or get full quickly. When you are on the go or in a rush, two-minute packs of microwavable rice can be easily added to other protein sources and pre-made meals. Another popular method is to prepare a large pot of rice for the week and combine it with some proteins and healthy fats. Do you or does someone you care about need to gain or lose weight?Bodynista offers a fantastic line of health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. 4. Nuts and Nut Butters Nuts and nut butters are a perfect choice if you’re looking to gain weight. Just one small handful of almonds contains over 7 grams of protein and 18 grams of healthy fats. Since they are very calorie-dense, just two handfuls per day with a meal or as a snack can quickly add hundreds of calories. Nut butters can also be added to a variety of snacks or dishes, such as smoothies, yogurts and much more. However, make sure you pick 100% nut butters that have only two or three ingredients and no added sugar or extra oils. 5. Red Meats Red meats are probably one of the best muscle-building foods available. Steak, for example, contains around 3 grams of leucine per 6 ounces. Leucine is the key amino acid your body needs to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and add new muscle tissue. In addition to this, red meats are one of the best sources of dietary creatine, which is possibly the world’s best muscle-building supplement. They also have more calories and fat than leaner meats, helping you take in extra calories and add weight. Both lean and fatty meats are a great source of protein, although fatty meat provides more calories, which can help you gain weight. Do you or does someone you care about need to gain or lose weight?Bodynista offers a fantastic line of health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. 6. Potatoes and Starches Potatoes and other starchy foods are a very easy and cost-effective way to add in extra calories. Try to choose one of these healthy sources of starchy carbs:
Not only do potatoes and other starches add carbs and calories to help you gain weight — they also increase your muscle glycogen stores. Glycogen is the predominant fuel source for most sports and activities. Many of these carb sources also provide important nutrients and fiber, as well as resistant starch, which can help nourish your gut bacteria. 7. Salmon and Oily Fish Like red meat, salmon and oily fish are excellent sources of protein and important healthy fats. Out of all the nutrients that salmon and oily fish provide, omega-3 fatty acids are among the most significant and well known. Omega-3 fatty acids are very important, providing numerous benefits for your health and also fighting disease. Just one 6-ounce (170-gram) fillet of salmon provides around 350 calories and 4 grams of omega-3 fats. It also provides 34 grams of high-quality protein, helping you build muscle or gain weight. Do you or does someone you care about need to gain or lose weight?Bodynista offers a fantastic line of health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. 8. Protein Supplements Taking protein supplements is a common strategy for athletes and bodybuilders who want to gain weight. Whey protein supplements and “mass gainers” can be a very easy and cost-effective strategy to gain weight, especially when combined with strength training. Some people think whey protein is unhealthy or unnatural, but this isn’t the case. Whey protein is made from dairy and has actually been shown to improve markers of health and reduce disease risk. Whey protein may be even more important if you’re also training, since your daily protein requirements increase. Like meats and other animal products, whey protein contains all the essential amino acids to stimulate muscle growth. You can use it before or after your workout and at any other point during the day. 9. Dried Fruit Dried fruit is a high-calorie snack that also provides antioxidants and micronutrients. You can obtain many different types of dried fruit. However, they have a very high sugar content and are not ideal for weight loss diets. Nevertheless, this makes them great for gaining weight, especially since they are convenient to eat and also taste great. While many people think fruits lose most of their nutrients when dried, this isn’t the case. Dried fruits contain lots of fiber and most of their vitamins and minerals remain intact. Try combining some dried fruit with a protein source, such as cuts of meat or a whey protein shake. They also mix really well with nuts and natural yogurt, providing a blend of healthy fats, protein and other key nutrients. Do you or does someone you care about need to gain or lose weight?Bodynista offers a fantastic line of health and nutrition products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. 10. Whole-Grain Bread
Whole-grain breads are another good carb source to help you gain weight. You can make some very simple, high-calorie and well-balanced meals by combining bread with protein sources such as eggs, meat and cheese. When purchasing bread, aim for natural whole grains and seeded breads. Healthy versions, such as Ezekiel bread, are available in most grocery stores. The secret behind gaining weight is consistently eating more calories than you need. Lifting weight is important too, so that the additional calories can be used to build muscle instead of just adding fat. Incorporate the foods on this list into meals and meal plans that you enjoy and can stick with over the long term. Have you ever tried to gain weight? What tips can you share? Bodynista Constipation is a common problem that affects up to 20% of people every year. It’s an uncomfortable situation and varies considerably from person to person. However, if you have less than three bowel movements a week and your stools are hard, dry and difficult to pass, you’re likely constipated. Those with excellent bowel function can have those 3 movements in one day! One of the most common pieces of advice for people who are constipated is to eat more fiber. But does this advice actually work or can it make an uncomfortable situation even worse? Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. Fiber Is Generally Good for Digestion Dietary fiber is the name given to the non-digestible carbohydrates in plants. It can be found in all plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds. It’s usually categorized into two groups, based on solubility:
That said, most fiber-rich foods contain a mixture of insoluble and soluble fiber in varying proportions. Your body cannot digest fiber. However, eating enough of it is thought to be very important for your gut health. This is partly because dietary fiber increases the size of your stools and makes them softer. Larger, softer stools help keep you regular, as they move more quickly through your bowels and are easier to pass. Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. The 2 Types of Fiber Insoluble fiber bulks up your stool and acts like a brush, sweeping through your bowels to get everything out and keep things moving. Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance. This helps your stool pass smoothly through your bowels and improves its form and consistency. The fermentation of one type of soluble fiber, known as prebiotics, in the large intestine can also help maintain a healthy gut by increasing its number of good bacteria. Bottom Line: Eating enough fiber can help keep you regular. It can also improve the balance of good bacteria in your gut. This may reduce your risk of various diseases, such as heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. Fiber Relieves Many People If you’re constipated and have a low fiber intake, eating more of it could help. This is the same for adults and children. It is generally recommended that men eat 38 grams of fiber per day, and that women eat 25 grams. Unfortunately, it’s estimated that most people eat less than half of this amount, only reaching between 12–18 grams per day. Those who lack fiber in their diet may experience relief by increasing their intake. Sometimes Fiber Makes Constipation Worse In theory, fiber should help prevent and treat constipation. However, evidence shows that this advice does not work for everyone. While some studies show that adding fiber to your diet may improve your symptoms, other studies show that reducing your intake is best. Also, a recent review found that although fiber was effective at increasing the number of bowel movements, it didn’t help with other symptoms of constipation like stool consistency, pain, bloating and gas. To find out if increasing your fiber intake will help your constipation, try to determine its cause. You can become constipated for a number of reasons, including:
Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. If you already eat plenty of fiber but your constipation is caused by something else, then adding more fiber may not help and could even make the problem worse. Interestingly, studies have shown that some people with constipation eat similar amounts of fiber as those who don’t have the condition. One 6-month study in 63 people found that for people with chronic idiopathic constipation, a low-fiber or even a no-fiber diet drastically improved their symptoms. Removing the fiber basically cured them of the constipation. This is also true for people who have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), as many high-fiber foods can worsen IBS symptoms. For people who eat enough fiber but are still constipated, eating more of it could make their problems worse. In some cases, reducing dietary fiber could help relieve constipation. Nevertheless, given fiber’s potential health benefits, you shouldn’t adopt a low-fiber diet over the long term without consulting your doctor or dietitian. Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. The Best Types of Fiber to Get Rid of Constipation Fiber supplements can help treat constipation, including for those who have chronic constipation or IBS. However, if you have chronic constipation or are experiencing symptoms like pain, bloating and gas, it may be best to go for a non-fermentable, soluble fiber supplement. Examples of soluble fiber supplements include: • Psyllium: Psyllium husk and Metamucil • Methyl cellulose: Citrucel • Glucomannan: Glucomannan capsules or PGX • Inulin: Benefiber • Partially hydrolyzed guar gum: Hi-Maize • Wheat dextrin: Benefiber Psyllium is often considered to be the best choice. Despite being classified as fermentable, studies have shown that psyllium can normalize stools and is well tolerated, even by people with IBS! Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. Best Foods to Relieve Constipation
If your fiber intake is generally low, try to eat more high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. This will increase both your soluble and insoluble fiber intake and could help relieve constipation. Be careful not to dramatically increase your fiber intake in a short period – it could cause unwanted side effects like pain, gas and bloating. Foods high in insoluble fiber include: • Whole grains • Fruits and vegetables with skins • Nuts and seeds Foods high in soluble fiber include: • Oats • Flax seeds • Barley • Rye • Beans and pulses • Root vegetables Take Home Message Eating plenty of fiber-rich foods is a good idea to optimize digestive health and keep your system running smoothly. If you become constipated and your fiber intake is low, then eating more of it may solve your problem. However, if you already get enough fiber or your constipation has another cause, increasing your fiber intake from foods may make things worse |
BodynistaKhyrunnessa Rabbani - I am perfectly imperfect! Passionate believer if you love your body and yourself and the rest will fall into place. Categories