Do you ever have a night, where it seems no matter how tired you are, you cannot sleep? You toss, turn, and worry about how early you need to rise, which gets you freaking out about not getting sleep? This happens to me often and it can really be a doozy when you need to be focused and alert the next day. In my research of different techniques I can practice (that do not include medicine) to help me get to sleep, I came across a this Life Hack called the 4-7-8 Breathing Technique.
This technique is designed to help you relax your mind and body at a rapid pace, just 60 seconds, to get your body calm enough for sleep. If we cannot let go of the anxiety, stress, problems, worries and such, it makes falling asleep difficult. What I love about this technique is that it is simple enough for anyone to understand and try. The downside is that it will take quite a bit of practice to master it for falling asleep in 60 seconds. However, even if it takes longer than 60 seconds, it is a great relaxation and mind clearing exercise.
Below is a video to help you learn how to try 4-7-8 breathing. I would recommend trying this in bed if you are trying to sleep. But, it is a great meditation and relaxation exercise at well! I will certainly be learning how to master this technique! - Bodynista
When you think about what you are blasted with on a daily basis, is it positive or negative? Media, people, work, kids, the dog and cat? It can seem like all we are ever faced with are the bad things destroying our world, co-workers or boss who are impossible to deal with, kids that are ungrateful, and pets are destroying the house! STOP! Take a deep breath! Yes, we are faced with a shit ton of negativity on a daily basis, no doubt. But how we absorb and interpret that makes all the difference in our own lives. There is a tremendous amount of power in Mindset. You DO create your own destiny. If you feel you are destined to fail, don't expect to succeed. If you feel you are destined to win, don't get upset if you fail; it could take a few fails to win. Overcoming negativity is no easy feat. First, you have to be aware of your negativity. I know some folks who are such downers and they have no self awareness about it. Below are some things you can do to start practicing a more positive mindset. Everyone can use some positive vibes; nobody is perfect:) After incorporating these tactics for a while, it will no longer be practice, but instead, it will be habit. 1. Meditate or do yoga. Meditation is simply sitting still and focusing internally on one thing. Your breathing, a positive thought, something you desire, anything. Meditation forces you to quiet your mind from all the chaos going on in there. Yoga is also very relaxing; it's like meditation with a twist. You use your muscles while focusing on your breathing. BOTH relieve stress and are a great segway to more positive thinking. 2. Smile. I tend to be stingy with my smile. It's not because I don't want to smile, but I am just uncomfortable walking around with a smile permanently planted on my face. HOWEVER, this is something I am working on changing. The more you smile, the happier you feel. And yes, that leads to positive thinking. 3. Surround yourself with positive people. We all know someone who has nothing to talk about except complaints: work, people, family, the dog..... I physically cannot handle it. I shut down, stop listening to you, and won't even respond to you. Your lucky if I remain in your company. Negative people - stay away from them. Negatively is more contagious than a virus. 4. Change the tone of your thoughts from negative to positive. This is a tough one. Negative thoughts tend to be futuristic thoughts. For example, you have a great idea for something today, but you play out some kind of failure in your mind. Instantly, you begin to feel the negativity, which will affect what you do with that thought today. One way to combat this is to live in the present and stop living in the future. We don't know how things will play out; there too many variables beyond our control. Instead of telling your self "I shouldn't" or "I can't", try "I want", "I will", "I'll try. 5. Don’t play the victim.
You create your life—take responsibility. You are never really stuck, even though it can feel like it. You have the power to make a change. If you really want it, the abilities will present themselves. 6. Help someone. Take the focus away from you and do something nice for another person. Donate your time, money and/or talents. 7. Remember that no one is perfect and let yourself move forward. It is so easy to dwell on our mistakes, take pity on ourselves or relish in the "what if's" and "I should haves". Instead, acknowledge your thought(s), make peace with yourself and move on. It's OK to mess up, OK to make mistakes, OK to be wrong. So, move on. 8. Sing. I love to sing, but I am positive nobody loves to hear me sing! It is a great feeling to connect to music and just belt it out at the top of your lungs! 9. List five things that you are grateful for right now. Being grateful helps you appreciate what you already have. If you cannot truly and genuinely appreciate what you have today, how will you be able to appreciate what you may have tomorrow? For example, that job you cannot stand to walk into everyday - appreciate that you have an income and a way to provide. That very same job may be providing you a critical skill for the better job tomorrow. 10. Read positive quotes. Find some positive quotes that really speak to you and put them in places where you will see them daily: desk, computer, mirror, fridge. Here is a great quote I recently read: "Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny." Have you ever wondered how to be happy? You meet someone who seems to have it all together and they are bursting with life. Then you wonder "is it fake, who is really THAT happy"? If you are like me, you have often thought long and hard about life: where you were, where you're at now, and where you want to be. And often, you feel "stuck" and you just don't know how to move. Sometimes we think more money, a promotion, or toxic relationships are the key to happiness. We have all experienced some part of that - did it make you happy? For me: NOOOOOO! In fact, my current state of happiness is a real work in progress. Activities which are pleasurable, engaging and meaningful are scientifically proven to make us happy. Pleasure + Engagement + Meaning = Recipe for Happiness! 1. Pleasure: An activity that fills your soul with positive emotions: playing football with friends, going to a concert with your family, or even being intimate with loved ones. 2. Engagement: ‘Zoning Out’ – Everything around you comes to a standstill because you are so immersed and focused on a specific activity. 3. Meaning: Using your energy to create a service of value which is greater than yourself. You feel that you are a part of something grand. Something so valuable, that will continue to grow and prosper after you die. The recipe for happiness is simple. It’s about realizing what matters in your own life, identifying the values you hold dear to yourself while focusing on something that could create love and harmony to the world.
- Bodynista If you are like me, your overall mood is very senstive to the weather. I get the greatest joy from a long sunny summer day and warm weather in general. Clouds, rain, cold and short days make me irritable and restless. But, I had always generalized this to me being a Summer Baby. It turns out, if you are not yet aware, the Winter Blues is a real deal problem and has a "proper" name: Seasonal Affective Disorder. I have seen statistics that state more suicides, divorces, and break ups happen in the winter time. Conencidence? Don't think so. I highly doubt that Thanksgiving feasts, Family time, and Holiday Shopping are driving people that far over the edge - but I am sure some of you would beg to differ! Now that we know the Winter Blues is something that affects many people, let me ask, does this affect you? If so, here 8 easy things you can do to help you get through another long Winter....... (until you can move to paradise!) 1. Make your environment brighter. When your body is craving more daylight, sitting next to an artificial light—also called a light box—for 30 minutes per day can be as effective as antidepressant medication. Opening blinds and curtains, trimming back tree branches, and sitting closer to windows can also help provide an extra dose of sunshine. 2. Eat smarter. Certain foods, like chocolate, can help to enhance your mood and relieve anxiety. Other foods, like candy and carbohydrates provide temporary feelings of euphoria, but could ultimately increase feelings of anxiety and depression. 3. Simulate dawn. People with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression that usually begins in late fall or early winter and fades as the weather improves, may feel depressed, irritable, lethargic, and have trouble waking up in the morning—especially when it’s still dark out. Studies show that a dawn simulator, a device that causes the lights in your bedroom to gradually brighten over a set period of time, can serve as an antidepressant and make it easier to get out of bed. 4. Exercise. A 2005 study from Harvard University suggests walking fast for about 35 minutes a day five times a week or 60 minutes a day three times a week improved symptoms of mild to moderate depression. Exercising under bright lights may be even better for seasonal depression: A preliminary study found that exercise under bright light improved general mental health, social functioning, depressive symptoms, and vitality, while exercise in ordinary light improved vitality only. Try these mood boosting workouts. 5. Turn on the tunes. In a 2013 study, researchers showed that listening to upbeat or cheery music significantly improved participant’s mood in both the short and long term. 6. Plan a vacation. Longing for sunnier days at the beach? Research shows that the simple act of planning a vacation causes a significant increase in overall happiness. 7. Help others. Ladling out soup at the local shelter or volunteering your time can improve mental health and life satisfaction. 8. Get outside. Talking yourself into taking a walk when the temperatures plummet isn’t easy, but the benefits are big: Spending time outside (even when it's chilly!) can improve focus, reduce symptoms of SAD, and lower stress levels. If you are a parent of young child, you know the love you have for them is beyond anything you could ever imagine. The love is so great that you will find yourself gladly taking on their pain, sorrow, and basically anything that causes them to feel unhappy. Every day in a child's life is working to frame them for adulthood. It can be hurt as a parent when your child doesn't seem to feel as special as you know they are.
When your child begins preschool or kindergarten, they will begin to experience a new sense of self worth that will affect how they perform in and out of school. I feel this is a critical time to make sure your child knows their self worth and that their efforts are valued and appreciated. Watching your child experience low self-esteem can be difficult, because despite how amazing you tell your little one they are, you watch as they lack the confidence that you know they deserve to have. In a situation like this, don't let your words fail you. Your child doesn't need to hear empty nothings in order to feel good, but instead give them powerful praises that prove you not only see your child, but also value and love them. Instead of complimenting your child by labeling them (like "you're so good at soccer!"), try the meaningful phrases below that will improve your child's self-value without inflating their sense of entitlement.
Did you find this article helpful? Bodynista Part of loving your body from the inside out is being healthy mentally and emotionally.
It’s always a bummer when the person you’re dating or seeing doesn't reciprocate the way you’d like. It could simply be they are just not that into you because they cannot seem to make you a priority. And as easy as it sounds to say “see ya!” it can be much harder to actually do — especially when you feel like you’re having so much fun with them. Nevertheless, don’t let yourself stick around simply because it feels fun. There is nothing fun about being with a partner who doesn't want to be with you in the same way. Here are a few signs you may need to call it quits before it’s too late for your heart. 1. If they say they’re not ready for a relationship, don’t misinterpret this as something like, “…but I might be soon.” If they are not ready now, and you are, that is a problem. Why pay for cow when I get the milk for free?? 2. They are charming and sweet, but completely disappear when big or special things like family events come up. If you find it happening once, and they claim they have a prior engagement, that’s one thing, but if it happens every time, think about moving on. 3. Does the other person do all the asking and you do all the "doing"? Is it a relationship or a dictatorship? One-sided relationships generally do not have happy endings for 2 people. 4. If you find yourself giving up the things you love and make you feel good to be with this person, then you’re in the wrong relationship. Your life should not suffer for a relationship. Having a significant other should enhance your life, not take away from it. 5. You keep breaking up for the same reason. They’re just not ready to commit, and you need to be conscious of that. 6. Excuses, excuses, excuses. There is one for everything - from why they didn’t text you back to why they can’t meet you. But, they never seem to have a good answer. Shady maybe?? 7. There are lots of good looking people, but your partner shouldn’t be filling your ears with comments about them. If they are constantly telling you that someone is good looking or really their type, this should signal a HUGE red flag. 8. Insecurity. An insecure partner will try to belittle you as much as they can until you lack confidence in the way that they do. We don't enter relationships because we want to feel worse about ourselves. If you partner isn't building you up, they are most likely tearing you down. Too often, good and kind hearted people are sucked into relationships that bleed them dry, leaving them broken and damaged. Asses your happiness and really understand if you are in a thriving PARTNERSHIP or something that passes the time. BodyNista I recently learned about a brain strengthening exercise called SuperBrain Yoga. SuperBrain Yoga is a scientifically validated method that helps you energize your brain and enhance its sharpness and clarity. It’s a simple technique that is said to increase intellectual capacity and sharpen both memory and concentration. Following is a study done on SuperBrain Yoga: This practice is based on the principles of subtle energy and ear acupuncture. Basically, SuperBrain Yoga allows energy from your lower chakras–or energy centers–to move up to the forehead and crown chakras. When this happens, this energy is transformed into subtle energy, which is utilized by the brain to enhance functioning. Some of the benefits of SuperBrain Yoga:
SuperBrain Yoga is really easy to perform and you can do it in less than three minutes a day. It is essentially a form of acupressure and a breathing technique used to balance both hemispheres of the brain and bring energy up to the brain. How to Practice Super Brain Yoga: Step-by-Step Instructions This exercise should be done in the morning facing East - the sunrise. Doing this in the morning is preferred so that your concentration and stress relief will apply throughout the whole day. Follow these seven steps:
You may not notice a change immediately, but after a few weeks an improvement in concentration should become apparent. It may look goofy at first, but once you realize the benefits of Super Brain Yoga, you will be recommending it to friends and family. (NOTE: Whether it works or not, the exercise is good for you and it won’t do any harm to give it a try.) I did my SuperBrain Yoga this morning, how about you? BodyNista |
BodynistaKhyrunnessa Rabbani - I am perfectly imperfect! Passionate believer if you love your body and yourself and the rest will fall into place. Categories