If eating healthy and getting regular exercise hasn't been part of your normal lifestyle for a long time, it is very easy to get discouraged and give it up when your trying to get on that bus. Eating well (most of the time) and getting regular exercise is a part of me because I have been working on this for years. Even I fall off the bandwagon, especially with food. And, if I go on vacation, it is super easy to not workout and makes getting restarted SO MUCH HARDER. But I do it and I am thankful for the grit.
I certainly have my own ways of staying motivated, but I want to share some tips with you to help you stay motivated on your health and wellness journeys. 1. Take a one month challenge One of the best ways to get yourself moving again is to sign up for a challenge! Lots of gyms, studios and boot camps offer one month challenges. Once you’ve completed the challenge, you will be right back in the swing of things! 2. Commit to five minutes If you can’t get yourself excited over spending 30 minutes on the treadmill, make a deal with yourself — commit to 5 minutes. Some movement is better than no movement and in all likelihood, once you hit the 5 minute marker, you’ll keep going. The trick is just getting started. Give yourself 5 minutes, and see where it goes. 3. Remember how good it makes you feel Sometimes, we forget the outcome of our workouts. We get so focused on the effort, we forget the post-workout euphoria. When was the last time you actually regretted doing a workout? Refocus your thoughts. Forget the sore muscles, and remember your how amazing you felt. 4. Schedule it It is to EASY to find reasons not to workout. Schedule it! Write your workout into your day planner or mark it on your calendar. Don’t schedule it for a time when you know something else is likely to pop up. If you don’t normally have time to run to the gym on your lunch break, don’t plan to do it at that time. Make time when you aren’t likely to get sidetracked. If you know you are going to have a busy day, commit to a short HIIT style workout. There is time when you make time. 5. Prepare your gym bag Having your stuff ready to go is a great way to make sure you don’t let yourself off the hook. For those who prefer morning workouts, this ensures that once you wake, you can grab your bag and just go. If you hit the gym after work, keep your packed bag beside your desk. It will act as a reminder and prevent you from backing out. 6. Just start with something easy If it has been a while since you’ve felt any motivation, start with something simple. There is no sense in taking on something complicated and overwhelming. Go for a light jog or a brisk walk around your neighborhood. Once you start with something small, it will be easier to take on the bigger tasks. Before long, you will be once again committed to your healthy habits. 7. Get an exercise buddy This is my best way of staying motivated - finding a workout buddy. Having a friend, family member or co-worker to sweat with will help to keep your motivation high and ensure that you stick with the routine. A buddy will help you push yourself harder and give you a reason to be accountable. 8. Don’t just think gym Being healthy is about so much more than just going to the gym. Find ways to mix things up. Find ways to include the things you love doing! If you love to take nature hikes, do it. Join a sports team at the office. Run on the beach. Being fit can include having fun! 9. Do it for yourself, not anyone else Your fit and healthy lifestyle has to be about making yourself feel better, boosting your confidence and being the best version of yourself possible. It has to be done for you and not for anyone else. Don’t make these changes because you believe you are supposed to look a certain way, don’t do it because you want to be ‘more attractive.’ Do it to make yourself healthy. When you workout, you will know that you’ve done something good for yourself and you can truly take pride in that! 10. Results Seeing some kind of result from your effort will definitely keep you going. This is why it is important to pair healthy eating with your fitness efforts otherwise you will not see the fruit of your labor. BodyNista offers great, all natural supplements from Total Life Changes to help you boost your results. Iaso Detox Tea will clear your body of toxic sludge and help you lose weight at the same time. Slim PM will turn your body into a fat burning machine while you sleep. Techui will help you build muscle faster. NutraBurst will give your body all the vitamins and nutrients you need to stay healthy - it is is equivalent to eating 10 salads. These are just a few, click here to see more. Being fitter and healthier you doesn’t happen without a consistent effort and habits aren’t formed overnight. Once these things are routine again, you won’t even have to think about it! How do you find motivation after time away from working out? BodyNista
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BodynistaKhyrunnessa Rabbani - I am perfectly imperfect! Passionate believer if you love your body and yourself and the rest will fall into place. Categories