If you workout regularly or you have done a real ass kicker workout, you know the satisfaction of finishing. But you probably also know that you want to eat everything in sight after finishing as well. Why is that? We know how hard we worked to finish that workout and we are perfectly willing to jeopardize any progress we have just made by trying calm our stomachs. Have you ever wondered why you feel like you are dying of starvation after a workout?During or right after a workout, exercise may suppress hunger, but later that day, your hunger hormones will surge, making you want to eat. At the same time, your body's satiety hormones — the ones that signal that you're full — can decrease. The really unfair part is that the desire to eat more after exercising hits women harder than men. The widely accepted theory is that women's bodies are hardwired to hold onto energy for reproduction purposes. So when your body senses that you're burning fuel from exercise, it wants to be sure you replace it pronto. I had experienced this when I first began doing boot camps. I was definitely getting stronger, but I was not losing weight & my clothes were not fitting any better. At one point, I realized that my efforts were going in the opposite direction, I was putting on weight. After my workouts, I was so hungry that I was eating anything I could get my hands on. Pizza, chocolate, whatever it took to not feel hungry. And that remained constant throughout the day. So, now that you understand what is happening in your mind and body during and after a workout, how do you control it? Once I really took the time to understand when to eat, what to eat, and why I was feeling so hungry, I was able to turn the cycle around and here I am much lighter than before. Do you or someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Look for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. 1. Understand Your Hunger The key to sticking with your workout and diet while dodging stomach rumblings and cravings is to understand the relationship between energy (food) and exercise and to learn to use it to your advantage. The first step is decoding where the hunger is coming from. Are you celebrating after a workout with a sweet treat? Are you working out on an empty stomach? Are you mistaking hunger for the need to hydrate? 2. Your All-Day Diet Plan The biggest piece of the hunger puzzle is knowing what, when, and how much to eat to stoke your body's engine 24-7. It's the peaks and dips in energy levels, set off by inconsistent eating habits, that send cravings into overdrive. To keep things on track, follow this around-the-clock advice. Do you or someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Look for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. Ultimately you've got to approach hunger the way you do your workout: methodically and consistently. People who manage hunger well are those who eat mindfully. You do yourself a disservice if you just count calories. You've got to pay attention to how you feel and how your workout is being affected, too. Don't snack excessively before or after exercise; many active people don't need additional calories to fuel their daily 30 to 45 minutes. Hydrate during your workout, and when you feel hungry, drink water first. At mealtimes, eat slowly, and with every few bites, ask yourself if you feel full. If your workout makes you hungry, don't skip the gym so you can stick to your diet. A small increase in calories before exercising will power you through your session and reap you far greater rewards than no workout at all. Do you or someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Look for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page.
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BodynistaKhyrunnessa Rabbani - I am perfectly imperfect! Passionate believer if you love your body and yourself and the rest will fall into place. Categories