Most diets frame carbs as being evil to your blood sugar and your waistline. But, as I have recently learned, that is not totally the case. Carbs can be deathly to your weight loss indeed, but if you consume them a bit differently, they can actually aid in weight loss. Eat them differently? This means putting a little extra thought on when you want to enjoy that pasta, or what you want to prepare with those potatoes. This weight loss breakthrough with carbs is due to Resistant Starch (RS). Think of RS as a master of disguise: It looks like a starch but acts like a fiber, passing through the small intestine to the colon without being digested (a starch that "resists" digestion). Normal starches have calories because we digest them, using their glucose for energy. Most starchy foods, like white bread and regular pasta, have tons of highly digestible starches—and, thereby, tons of calories. But RS is different. Since our bodies don't digest it, it doesn't give us energy directly, so its caloric value is slashed. RS also triggers hormones that make us feel fuller, helping us eat less throughout the day. Studies show that RS can also lower blood sugar, boost gut health, and reduce cancer risk. Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. There are four main types of RS. The first two are found naturally in foods:
Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. Pasta lovers can all agree their love affair with the heavily carbohydrate-loaded dish has led them to break their diets — and their waistbands. The noodle and sauce plate can make you feel hungry again, since it is quickly absorbed as simple sugars, which raises blood glucose — an unhealthy meal for diabetics. According to an experiment on the BBC show Trust Me, I’m a Doctor, eating pasta that has been cooked, cooled, and then reheated is significantly healthier than eating it freshly cooked because it turns into “resistant starch,” reducing blood glucose levels by half. Whats the Trick? Keep it cool! In cooked starchy foods, resistant starch is created during cooling. Cooking triggers starch to absorb water and swell, and as it slowly cools, portions of the starch become crystallized into the form that resists digestion. Cooling either at room temperature or in the refrigerator will raise resistant starch levels. Just don't reheat. That breaks up the crystals, causing resistant starch levels to plummet. Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Shop for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. 6 Best RS Fat-Burning Foods
TRY: Beans RESISTANT STARCH: 8 g per 1/2 cup SMART SERVING SUGGESTIONS Snack on chilled pinto bean dip with crudites Substitute hummus for mayo on sandwiches Add black beans to garden salads TRY: Bananas (slightly green) RESISTANT STARCH: 6 g per small SMART SERVING SUGGESTIONS Slice and mix with yogurt and oats for breakfast Dip in yogurt, roll in chopped nuts, and freeze as an ice-cream alternative Dice and toss with lemon juice, salt, sugar, and onion to make tangy banana chutney TRY: Potatoes and yams RESISTANT STARCH: 4 g per 1/2 cup SMART SERVING SUGGESTIONS Serve cold potato salad as a side dish Add chilled, chunked red potatoes to a salad Puree cooked white potatoes to create a chilled garlic potato soup TRY: Barley RESISTANT STARCH: 3 g per 1/2 cup SMART SERVING SUGGESTIONS Add to chilled lentil salad Mix into tuna, chicken, or tofu salad Sprinkle onto garden salads TRY: Brown Rice RESISTANT STARCH: 3 g per 1/2 cup SMART SERVING SUGGESTIONS Order brown rice sushi Mix chilled brown rice with fat-free milk, raisins, and cinnamon in place of cold cereal for breakfast Add to chilled marinated cucumbers as a side dish TRY: Corn RESISTANT STARCH: 2 g per 1/2 cup SMART SERVING SUGGESTIONS Add to a taco salad, burrito, or quesadilla Sprinkle into salsa Make fresh corn relish
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BodynistaKhyrunnessa Rabbani - I am perfectly imperfect! Passionate believer if you love your body and yourself and the rest will fall into place. Categories