I am sure most of you have seen, read, or heard the buzz about going gluten free. I have spent a decent amount of time pondering and researching why I should consider going gluten free; trying to determine if it is a marketing tactic or is there some legitimacy to this. I mean, gluten has been around forever, right?
Gluten is a protein composite found in wheat and related grains, including barley and rye. Throughout different articles that I read, there was one common theme that spoke to me - the typical symptoms that your body is one of the 18 million that does not process gluten well. Typical symptoms include:
I can testify that after a good dose of pizza or pasta, I will have GI issues for the next 3 days and my joints will feel as if I aged 10 years overnight when I wake up in the morning. I cannot be certain if my sleeping troubles come from gluten or my mind never wanting to shut down. However, even on my most restful nights, I do have spells of tiredness or lack of energy the following day. So, I have decided that giving gluten free a try can only help me. I have been working on limiting my carbs over the last month, so in my mind, I am half way there. I am challenging myself to be gluten free for the month of September to see what changes happen to my body. I expect that that I will lose weight/ belly fat, have a good functioning GI track, feel energized, and get some blissful sleeps. I will report my changes weekly. Join the challenge with me! I would love to know how going GF helps or doesn't help you. I have listed some common questions you may have at the end of this post. PS - I am not a doctor or a nutritionist. I am just a woman who is constantly looking for ways to improve her body:) BodyNista Q: What can I eat with a GF lifestyle? A: Gluten can be found in wheat, rye and barley. Click here for a great list of foods that are gluten free Q: Does going gluten free mean carb free? A: No, there are foods, such as rice and potatoes that are high on carb but gluten free. Q: What can I do to help me not crave gluten laden carbs? A: I use a product from Total Life Changes - Resolution. This product is truly amazing for killing my craving for carbs, sugar, and my food fixations. Click here to learn more about Resolution.
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BodynistaKhyrunnessa Rabbani - I am perfectly imperfect! Passionate believer if you love your body and yourself and the rest will fall into place. Categories