We are 11 days into the New Year and I am curious to know how you are doing with your "resolution". If your goal was to eat better or more healthy, have you stuck with it? Many of us set unrealistic New Year goals without realizing just how unrealistic they are. I have said it before and will continue to say it: Small Steps = Big Change! Going from eating bad 24/7 and no exercise to eating healthy and getting 30 minutes of exercise 5 days per week may seem easily achievable, but it is unrealistic to expect this to happen immediately. My goal in this article is to help you make a better snack choice (small step). Instead of a prepackaged granola bar or snack that you may think is healthy, try a homemade protein bar. There is nothing better than something you make with your own two hands. If you are not familiar with a kitchen or kitchen tools, no worries, you can do this too:) These protein bars are easy to make and taste pretty good. I generally have one as a snack and and one driving from the office to the gym. They are packed with protein and generally satisfying. If you like to experiment, this is a good recipe to use as a starting point for creating protein bars in different flavors. Homemade Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bars INGREDIENTS
BodyNista Reference: http://www.foodiefiasco.com/chocolate-peanut-butter-protein-bars-vegan-low-carb-high-protein/
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BodynistaKhyrunnessa Rabbani - I am perfectly imperfect! Passionate believer if you love your body and yourself and the rest will fall into place. Categories