Is this how you are feeling today from fun 4th of July celebrations?? If so, don't fret! As long is this is not a daily occurrence, you should be able to bounce back. Bouncing back will take some time. While it took you one day to put on an extra 5-10 pounds, it may take you a couple weeks to get them back off. Below are 3 tips to move on and get your body back to it's pre-4th of July state. 1. Toss the sweets! If you brought them home or kept the leftovers, take a long hard look at that pile of sugar and ask "will this help me lose weight or gain weight"? If you are like me and you cannot stand the thought of wasting food, donate it to you local Homeless Coalition or shelter. 2. Detox! If you practice a healthy lifestyle, then what you consumed during your 4th of July get together was probably pretty far off your normal track. And that will leave your digestive tract wondering WTF is going on here. Drinking IASO Detox Tea will help you clean that problem right up. This tea is 100% Organic and made of 9 natural herbs. You can actually eat the contents of the tea bag - which I do after my tea is gone. IASO Detox tea works to restore your body by cleaning out the sludge and toxins from your intestinal tract. A plus to cleaning out that sludge and gunk is losing weight! Two for the price of one! Needless to say, I drink this tea religiously. 3. Get some fitness in today. This is going to feel like murder because your body is so overwhelmed from the food and alcohol damage. Many people are probably feeling hung over, lethargic, sleepy, swollen, stiff, constipated, bloated, or worse. Feeling anything but good makes it difficult to workout. I am not suggesting to go all out today, but push through a bit and get your body moving. Here is a great 7 minute workout that is short but effective that you can do at home. Take me to the 7 minute workout. Did you find these tips helpful? Bodynista Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Look for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. -Bodynista
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BodynistaKhyrunnessa Rabbani - I am perfectly imperfect! Passionate believer if you love your body and yourself and the rest will fall into place. Categories