It is time for Transformation Thursday! On Thursday's we highlight 3 people who have changed their lives using the products we offer from Total Life Changes. You can findweight loss and nutrition products in our Total Life Changes Store.
The testimonials below are from Real Customers who have had Real Results using PRODUCTS THAT WORK. The testimonials are written in the customers own words and have not been modified. Happy Reading!
Hi my name is Jenny Perquin and I am living in the Netherlands.
#MyTLCwhy - besides that I finally managed to reach my healthy weight, I can now help other people to achieve this. The possibilities are limitless in TLC and all colleagues around the world feel like a warm blanket . Within six months, I became Director and hope soon to be able to take the next step ! TLC gives me this opportunity and give me a healthy and wealthy freedom!
Firstly, I applaud you in advance for wanting to make a change in your life, you have taken the very critical first step of exploring ways in which to live a healthier lifestyle and begin the journey to a “more fit you”.
I am among many things a CPT or Certified Personal Trainer, serial entrepreneur, fitness advocate, and proud father of 3 boys. Now to the meat of the discussion “My Why”!! It was not long ago, I discovered that my “purpose, the reason why I was put here,” Is to help as many people as possible become healthier, by way of a lifestyle change , and to be a living testimony that “its possible to get from where you are to where you want to be”!! My clients and friends like to consider me the Shepard that helps people get to their “promised body” by design. For me this is a passionate mission, I was once 250 lbs. with a 50-inch waist, to put things in being 57 inches tall I was almost as “big around, as I was tall” I am now 207 pounds with a winter was it of 38” Spring/Summer 36” waist. (I am human and #winterhappens) lol. I know first hand what it’s like to just “give up” and “dig in”. I say all this to say, its possible, and total life changes is ONE of the tools to get you well on your way to starting your fitness journey. I did my own experiment to confirm that the products worked before I agreed to any “pills, potions, and lotions organizations” all of which I swore to never be a part of, as this was the antithesis of my beliefs. This is not a sales pitch, I am certainly not doing this for the money when it comes, it will come. I want to help as many people as possible, lose as much weight as possible, my 2016 goal is 1000 pounds. I again believe that I am a disciple of fitness, and my goal is to get as many people as possible to their body by design. For the first time in my life this is about serving not selling, if I am try to sell you something then its about what I want, if I am here to serve you its about what YOU need. To yours in health “Ernesto” aka Mr.Tea
I partnered with TLC because it was time for change. I was 5'2, 198 lbs and at 28 years old, I was struggling to climb the stairs. I was struggling with depression, stress and anxiety so bad that I was afraid to drive my car.
I became a mom at 16 years old, and from that point I was determined to give my son the best life he could ever imagine. I learned about network marketing and direct sales, and tried many companies while I held down full-time jobs and went to school full-time. I missed so many of his firsts... I started seeing people in my Facebook news feed shrinking with these products, and after about a year, decided to reach out to a good friend of mine to get more info on the tea. She sent me a free pack to try and that's where my change began. I lost 5 lbs in my first week. That's when I started considering the business, but I didn't know if I really wanted to talk to people about weight loss, it just seemed like an uncomfortable conversation to have. But then, I took a tea package to my mom's doctor to see if she could drink the tea with her blood pressure and diabetes medication. The doctor became excited and told me that not only could my mother drink the tea with her meds, but also that once her blood pressure and sugar were level, she could be tapered off the meds and just drink the tea! WOW! If you know anything about these types of meds then you know, when the doctor prescribes them, it's indefinitely. There is no plan to take you off. So this let me know everything I needed to know about these products and I have been sharing them ever since! To date, I have lost a total of 24 lbs and I'm still shrinking! I have not been to the gym, I don't look sick and I'm not struggling with saggy skin. I've come to realize that talking about weight loss doesn't have to be uncomfortable. People WANT to feel better... they want to lose weight and they want to look and feel good. When you have a product that is real and can really help them to achieve their goals, they want to know more. People WANT these products, and they are going to get them. The question is, will they get them from YOU? At this point, I am simply sharing my story, helping others to feel better and find their "happy" again, and teaching those who want to make extra money to duplicate the process. I feel that Jack Fallon chose the perfect name for this company... TOTAL LIFE CHANGES!
Are you ready to learn more about Total Life Changes Products? Are you ready to give them a try? Click here to visit our Total Life Changes Store where you can view and learn about available products and decide if one is right for you.
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