Ladies, have you ever tried or been forced into a commando situation? Or how about the other extreme - worn a pair of panties so tight and uncomfortable they completely altered the way you walk? Or how about those boy cuts that were so cute when you put them on but when you start walking, they become a pair of mass wedgie thongs??
Many of us have been raised to believe that, just like a bra, you are supposed to wear panties. It is unclean or bad hygiene to not do so. I am here to call BULL SHITTY SHIT SHIT. Unless you have a lot of "drama" down there that you need to mask at all times, set your kitty kat free! Give her some breathing room. Once you let her out of her cage, chances are, she won't be wanting to go back. There are 2 obvious perks for us ladies to ditch the fabric chastity belt - comfort and panty lines. Comfort is a no brainer. I love to be uncomfortable at all times SAID NO ONE EVER! As for panty lines, if you are like me and despise people who feel the need to start at your body parts - panty lines only draw the same attention. "Wow, check out Mary's granny panties!" Or, "Dang, those undies are gonna cut off her leg circulation..." Here are some other great reason to say ADIOS to PANTIES!!!! LESS RISK OF UTI OR YEAST INFECTION This is one of the main motivations behind the choice of some women to go commando daily rather than just at night. Urinary tract infections can be caused by the spread of bacteria from the rectum to the tract via the fabric of underwear, while yeast infections are known to be easily incubated in moist environments, including undies. Both are motivations for the common medical advice not to wear underwear of any kind at night, but for some women, particularly those prone to either infection, this acts as a justification for no underwear whatsoever. LESS IRRITATED VAGINAL SKIN The skin of the vaginal area is exceptionally sensitive, though in some women it's more prone to feeling uncomfortable than in others, and the choice to go commando may be motivated by the wish to have fewer potential irritants (laundry detergents, fabrics or body moisture) held close to the skin by underwear. This is a conditional one, however, based on what you wear instead of underwear. If your underwear is being replaced by the crotch of a pair of tight jeans or anything else that's moving across the vulva without protection, it may cause more irritation than it solves. If you are going to go commando, go with something with a crotch portion inserted rather than a seam, a loose skirt, sweatpants, or harem pants. Spandex and non-breathable fabrics aren't recommended for anything more than a short period. IT MAY MAKE YOU FEEL SOMEWHAT SEXY Some women admit to feeling sexy when they have on cute underwear, even if no one ever gets to see them. No underwear may heighten those feelings. May just a bit. If you’re thinking about going commando but are a little reluctant to try it out, just take baby steps. Start by doing it at night then when you’re sleep. Next, try it when you are just chilling in the comfort of your own home. If you feel comfortable enough to take it to the great outdoors, just try it. You’ll never really know if it’s for you unless you try it first. Take it from me. Try it just once and let’s us know if you give going commando a thumbs up or if it’s still getting the side eye from you. We want to know your experiences! Bodynista Need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve. Check out these testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Look for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page.
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