If you are carrying a few extra pounds, chances are you have spent time wondering "how did this happen?". Gaining weight doesn't happen overnight - it happens over long periods of time with routine bad choices, like eating that meal pictured above. But, many times we don't even realize the choices we are making are not good for us. Knowing how your body reacts to certain foods is a real science and takes quite a bit of time to test and understand. I began really taking notice to how my body reacts to different foods about 6 years ago and I only uncovered about a year ago that my body does not tolerate gluten well. When I reflect on why was I carrying so much weight in the past, I can say it started from childhood. I had no concept of what a healthy lifestyle was. My idea of being healthy was eating some fruits and vegetables and doing some exercise. Even in college, I didn't realize that eating pizza everyday was so terrible - it had veggies all over it. Not being armed with the proper knowledge in my childhood years led me to being well over 200 lbs until I was nearly 30. I remember in college a friend telling me bagels were healthier than regular bread because of how they are made. I know now that isn't true, but back then, I started eating more bagels... As a parent, I now know how important it is to teach my child what a healthy lifestyle is. Life is hard as it is, I do not want my child having to struggle with carrying around un-necessary weight now or as an adult. Kids struggling with childhood obesity will likely struggle with obesity as an adult. If you have ever been overweight, then you know how obesity affects you physically, mentally and emotionally. There are boat loads of information available at your finger tips about what a healthy lifestyle is. But, what there isn't information about is how your body reacts to different foods. That is your own book to write. To help you out, I am going to generalize a lot of the information available about healthy lifestyles so you can easily put it into practice. Or, if you have already gotten on the train, maybe you will find some of these tips helpful along your journey. 7 Tips for Weight Loss and a Healthier Lifestyle 1. Test howwe your body reacts to different foods. The biggest key, in my opinion, is understanding how your body keeps or releases what you eat. Ideal categories to test are: Dairy, meat and gluten. 2. Cut back, way back, on the sugar. Most of us think sugar is limited to desserts and candy. What do you sweeten your coffee or tea with? What makes fruit taste so good? Do you really need a soda every day? Do you really think fruit juice is good for you? Really take notice of what your putting into your body and take a look at the sugar content. 3. Carbs..... Nobody likes hearing they should not eat pasta, bread, pizza and chips. These types of carbs help you pack on that extra padding you don't want. Whole wheat pasta, breads and cereals are better than the regular versions, but take a look at the labels. You will realize it still isn't good for you. Switch your carbs to beans and lentils and you will begin to notice some nice changes. These kinds of carbs are full of fiber and protien and make amazing subs for meat. They keep you filling satisfied and full - just like those other carbs. Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Look for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page. 4. Less meat, more veggies. If you eat meat daily, consider changing that to every other day and then eventually once per week. Replace the meat with veggies and beans. Try this for a month and see how your body reacts. 5. Cut back or eliminate dairy. As a Marketer by profession, I think it is amazing what advertising can lead us to believe. We view milk and cheese as essential needs for the our bodies. If we don't consume enough of it, we may develop osteoporosis and our bones will break. Our body does not need to consume milk beyond our very young child hood years. The research varies on an exact age of when we can ditch the cows milk, but as an adult, you don't need it. My daughter is 6 and I am working to convert her to the nut based versions. Try cutting back or cutting out dairy and see how this affects your body. 6. Drink more water and less booze. This is a no brainer, but replacing you drinks throughout the day with water is a big step in the right direction. Alcohol is a HUGE contributor to weight. Every time I see a man who looks like he is going to give birth, I know he must enjoy relaxing with drinks on the regular. 7. Exercise. Moving your body is essential to keeping it working. Aim for 30 minutes 5 days a week with a blend of cardio and weights. You will burn more fat by building muscle than just doing all cardio. The goal is to get your heart rate, get the sweat pouring and to get your lungs working. Need some inspiration? Check out the workouts posted on our website. If you have more questions, feel free to contact me or comment below. Did you find these tips helpful? Bodynista Do you or does someone you care about need to lose weight? Bodynista offers a fantastic line of weight loss products from Total Life Changes to get you into the body you deserve and help you take your life back. Check out testimonials from people who have used Total Life Changes products. Look for your new body by visiting our Total Life Changes Store Page.
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BodynistaKhyrunnessa Rabbani - I am perfectly imperfect! Passionate believer if you love your body and yourself and the rest will fall into place. Categories