Walking is something many of us take for granted and we forget how beneficial it is for our bodies. Have you stuck with your workout plans? Maybe you started and you couldn’t find your “niche”. Maybe if felt too harsh on your body, bones, or joints. Don’t stop, just find other ways to workout. If your body is not accustomed to jumping, jogging or agility, don’t expect to jump right into it and not feel discomfort. Easing into any higher intensity is not only smart, but it will save your body. Walking fitness is a great alternative to modern day high impact workouts and will still give you results. If you feel like you have beaten your body up or nearly injured yourself trying to do a burpee or jump over an aerobic step riser, then walking fitness may be a good compromise for you. "Fast-paced walking, when combined with healthy eating, is hugely effective for weight loss," says Art Weltman, PhD, director of exercise physiology at the University of Virginia. Your daily strolls are not likely to give you equal results – speed is key. Study results have suggested that when women engage in fast pace walking, deep abdominal fat is the first to go. And as for your joints, even fast paced walking is much easier on the body that jogging because your body is never airborne. It’s easy to pick up your pace a bit and convince yourself that you just powerwalked. To help you avoid setting yourself up for disappointment, let’s outline exactly the basic levels of walking. Stroll: On a scale of 1 – 10, this is approximately a 4, such as a window shopping pace. It burns an average of 238 calories an hour. Brisk walk: On a scale of 1 – 10, this is approximately a 5 or 6 and burns an average of up to 340 calories an hour (at a 3.5 to 4 mph pace). While talking, you need to catch your breath every few sentences. Power walk: On a scale of 1 – 10, this is approximately a 7 or 8 and can burn an average of approximately 564 calories an hour (at a 4 to 5 mph pace). When you are walking at this speed, you will naturally use your arms to help propel your steps. Talking is possible only in spurts of three or four words. Whether you choose to use a treadmill or God’s landscape, here are some walking fitness routines to help you stay on track with your fitness goals. Below is a sample walking workout and here is link to a guide from Prevention that give you more ideas on walking workouts. What do you think about walking workouts? Will this help you keep your fitness goals? BodyNista References
http://www.prevention.com/sites/prevention.com/files/WalkItOff_final.pdf http://www.shape.com/fitness/cardio/cardio-fast-lane-30-minute-power-walking-plan http://www.health.com/health/m/article/0,,20680533,00.html
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BodynistaKhyrunnessa Rabbani - I am perfectly imperfect! Passionate believer if you love your body and yourself and the rest will fall into place. Categories