Being able bodied enough to work out can be privilege we take for granted. Often, it is easy to forget that others are not physically able to what many of us don't think twice about. It could stem from injury, weight, joints, arthritis or other severe health conditions.
If you or someone you know is facing this kind of an obstacle on the journey to better health, the most important thing that can be done is improve eating habits. Moving your body is also important. I have outlined some exercises below that can be done by almost anyone with modification. For each exercise, try for 10 - 12 reps. If it hurts, stop! Hurting is not the same as you feel your muscle working. Leg Lifts - lie down on your side on the floor or bed and lift one leg at a time. If you cannot do this on the floor, stand up facing a wall. Put your hands on the wall and lift legs out to the side. Push Ups - If you can do these without modification, you are stronger than you think. To modify, you can use you knees instead of your feet to perform the exercise. If that is too difficult, stand up and do push ups against the wall. You can decide the incline that works for you. Modified Plank - Planks are hard. You can modify these the same way you modify a push up - using your knees or a wall, determining an incline that works for you. Walking - If you are mobile, walking is a great form of exercise. Work on trying to increase speed a bit in spurts. Jumping - If your mobility allows, jumping gets your heart rate up fast. This could be jumping rope, jumping jacks, or just jumping up and down. Squats - This is a powerful exercise that can be done by anyone who is able to stand up from sitting down without problem. For modifications, brace yourself by placing your hand on a chair, wall, or something that will help you with stabiliy. You can also squat with a chair beneath you if you worry of falling. Wall squats are another option. Simply put your back against the wall, slide down to a sitting position where you feel your muscles engaged. Arm Circles - If you have mobility in you arms, raise them out to the sides and circle your arms. Make this more intense by adding a small amount of weight or increasing the size of your circles. Stand Abs - Doing crunches can strain your back and neck if you are not familiar with correct position. You can easily contract your abdominal muscles when standing up. Standing straight up, lift arms above your head, contract ab muscles, tilt pelvis forward, and bend upper body down slightly. It will not take long to feel this, but it may take a trying a few times to get it right. Bridge - Lie on ground, knees bent, feet flat on ground and arms at you side. Using your arms/ hands as support, lift pelvis off ground and then slowly come back down. This exercise is great for your butt and works the core and lower back. The goal is to get moving, without letting your physical for stop you. Do you have additional exercises to suggest? BodyNista
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